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Why choose a Celebrant Led Ceremony

Jul 8, 2021 | Weddings | 0 comments

The proposal has gone well, and you now find yourselves at the start of that momentous journey, ‘Planning the Perfect Wedding’

At first sight it seems like a logistical nightmare. What are the first things couples have to consider? The right venue, flowers, photographer, best man, bridesmaids, The Dress, the list seems endless. Many couples get so caught up in these elements that they often don’t give enough time to consider the Ceremony itself.

So what does a Celebrant Led Ceremony give you?

The answer is uniqueness. 

Your ceremony won’t be the same as the ceremony held a few days before in the same venue. It won’t be chosen from a template, which many other weddings may have previously used, but YOUR ceremony will be a personal event scripted and delivered just for you and celebrating Your Love Story.

Yes, all the elements previously mentioned are important, but the Ceremony binds these elements together into something magical which you and your guests will always remember.

There are many aspects to a Ceremony that couples may not be aware of, such as rituals which can have special meaning and significance. Rituals such as Handfasting, a Sand Ceremony, or, a Unity Candle, can be included in a Celebrant Led Wedding. There are many other rituals which your Celebrant can discuss with you, and find a way to introduce them to you wedding ceremony. The rituals will inspire interest amongst your guests, as it may be the first time they have seen it. You are also able to involve family members in most rituals, and the sand ceremony, in particular is a perfect opportunity to involve younger children in the Ceremony.

Your guests, who have all dressed up, are there for the Ceremony. They want to hear you speak, to profess your love for each other with your vows, to hear your Love Story, and to share the emotions of the day. 

With a Celebrant Led Ceremony you can determine how you want that day to be, and the emotions your guests will feel. It’s your day, you should be able have the Ceremony just as you wish, with no restrictions on location, content, readings, music, or timing

It’s important to note that you will still require the services of a registrar to legally register the marriage, but this can be done with a simple, quick service, either before the day of your wedding ceremony, afterwards or on the day. An Independent Celebrant will help to guide you through this process.

If a Celebrant Led Ceremony sounds perfect, then start looking around for a Celebrant who you feel will provide the ceremony you would like, and feel are on the same wavelength as you. Remember, It’s All About You!