‘Love has no age limit, and, for those couples getting married for a second time around, I know how special that New Love can be’
Look at any of the popular dating sites, and it will become instantly apparent just how many couples are looking for that ‘special one’ after a first marriage that didn’t work out as perhaps they had planned. Second marriages can be a result of being widowed or divorced, and whilst we all enter into marriage expecting it to last forever, sadly life occasionally has different ideas.
However, I remain the eternal optimist, and just because ‘it didn’t work out last time’ that’s no reason not to seek love, and, if you have found your soul mate, to marry for the second time around.
Second marriages can be really special, because it’s a new chance for happiness, perhaps after a period of you feeling you were going to be alone. The emotion of finding Love again is just as strong, whatever your age, previous experience or what your family and friends may think.
Quite often, at this stage in our lives, we are more self-confident, feel more empowered, and are comfortable with what we really want from a life partner. That’s the benefit perhaps of age, experience and often we learn from previous mistakes.
So you’ve met someone you would like to spend your life with. Some couples are happy to live as a couple without the perceived burden of the ‘Husband and Wife’ label, but still want to celebrate their unity, tell their friends and family their Love Story and, commit to each other in front of those most dear to them.
This is where a Celebrant Led Ceremony can allow you the freedom to celebrate your union exactly as you wish. There are lots of articles to be found as to how a second wedding ceremony should be. Perhaps you will receive lots of advice from well intentioned friends, suggesting what you can or can’t do!
The fabulous thing is you can do whatever you like. Maybe a small informal affair, or a large ‘shout it from the rooftops’ ceremony with a host of family and friends. There are no rules, you are in control. Maybe, when you first got married you didn’t have this flexibility of choice, but marriage has become a much more modern thinking celebration with the emphasis on personal choice.
As is often the case, each spouse may have children from a previous relationship, and the second marriage may be a joining of two families, which is a particularly lovely way of designing your ceremony. There are many gorgeous wedding rituals which can include children, young and old, so that they feel part of the celebration, and the union.
Many couples wish to marry legally, and cement their union. An independent Celebrant can advise you on how to integrate the legal aspect into your ceremony and still allow the unique and individual celebration of your Love Story.